Tips for the contact list 📞

Best practices for the contact list ⚡️

Francis Villiard avatar
Written by Francis Villiard
Updated over a week ago

Create contact lists like a boss.

1. Always try to put as many shifts as possible, per day, in your contact lists to give employees maximum choice and fill more shifts.

  • It allows you to offer a better experience to employees: All the choices and a single call/SMS contact.

Select all the shifts you want &/Or Click the option to add other unassigned shifts.

2. If you need to add shifts to fill in a day and a position that already has a contact list, merge the lists.

3. Consider the temporality in order to choose the number of simultaneous calls and the call waiting ratio. 🕧

  • Medium-Long term: Leave the default values. Calls are usually made one at a time with a priority delay. They have been calibrated by your organization in order to respect your business rules and create a favourable experience for all!

  • Short term: When you need to fill a shift at the last minute, it is a good idea to make at least 10 calls at the same time in order to increase your chance of filling your shift.

4. Bring information to you with SMS notifications 📳

  • Receive in real time an SMS notification when your list is complete (all employees have been contacted).

  • You can leave Merinio or your computer and receive the information in real time

5. Make a shift unavailable quickly when filled by other way.

1. Make it unavailable directly in the list. (add an event or directly in the shift)

2. Make the shift unavailable directly in the shift on the schedule.

3. Add an event to justify the assigning of a shift, either in person or on the phone. In the employee's list, click option > add an event

6. If an employee accepts a shift by mistake from the contact list.

You need to delete the shift and recreate a new one. Once the shift has been recreated, you will need to add it to the existing contact list (refer to point #2).

7. Pause contact lists to stop at a certain employee.

In order to have a better control on the contact list, it is now possible to automatically pause the list at a certain employee. To prevent an employee from using their cell phone during a shift or from missing the offers sent to them.

This allows you to go see the employees in person to offer them the opportunity.

The list will pause before this employee, as displayed here :

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