Create a project :
1. From Other, Click on Projects
2. Then click on Create a project.
3. The following page will open. Complete the information about the project. The section with a red * are mandatory.
The name of the project (This information is mandatory)
The project code that you will use to quickly identify the shifts associated with the project in the schedule. (This information is mandatory). We advise you to choose a short code so that it is easier to see on the schedule.
Project status. The status is indicative only. There is no impact.
The positions that will need to work on the project.
The Project owners. This information will be visible on the schedule confirmation emails.
The name of the customer(s) via a customer tag.
The default tag that will be automatically linked to shifts if applied to the schedule. It is possible to add a region, a location, a contact person on the project.
Modify a project :
1. From Other, Click on Projects
2. Locate the project you want to edit, then click Edit:
Delete a project :
1. From Other, Click on Projects
2. Locate the project you want to delete, then click Action and Delete: