Import users 📥

Add a large number of employee profiles to your user list

Loic D. Simard avatar
Written by Loic D. Simard
Updated over a week ago

This feature allows you to create several profiles at once instead of creating one at a time. If you have numerous users to import, we recommend this option, it will save you a lot of time! But there are other options available to you:

  • Employee creation is your go-to option if you want to add a few users, for example, when an employee has just been hired

  • Creating user templates allows you to create user profiles with pre-filled fields. This is useful if ten or more employees with the same characteristics (type of contracts, language, department, etc.) are hired at the same time for instance.

1. Click on Users

2. Click on Import users

3. Download the template file

To import your users, you have to enter their information in an Excel file that we have already prepared for you, you can download the file that will be automatically named Template_users at the bottom of the page.

Save this file to your computer and then open it, it looks like this:

⚠︎ The Excel spreadsheet may look complex, but we assure you that if you have a lot of employee profiles to create, you will save time in the long run ⚠︎

4. Fill in the required fields using the right formats

  • If you don't know the code corresponding to the user permissions, click on (Show import codes), a dialog box will open. In the example below, the import code for Employee permission is 1, so enter "1" in the Excel file in the corresponding box.

  • If no import code is displayed or if none match the employee permissions, click on Edit the resources. You will be redirected to the Application Settings page. Then click on Permissions and create a new permission or modify an existing one.

For more explanations on Permissions management, read our article about it!

5. Fill in the optional fields with the right format

To find the import codes, click on (Show Import Codes) as you did in step 4, the codes and the Edit the resources option will also appear in the dialog box.

If you don't have all the informations to fill those boxes in the Excel spreadsheet, you can leave them blank, this will not affect the creation of employee profiles.

6. Once you have filled in all the information, save the document, and put it in the Drag a file section or click on this section to go to your documents

You will then find a summary of the employees created at the bottom of the page.

7. When everything is okay, click Submit

If this message is displayed, it means that some fields are not filled correctly.

8. Then return to the Users module, the new employees appear in the list!

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